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A simple and fast search engine where you can find the best value for last-minute offers, today's top deals and the best prices! If you're looking for a last minute getaway, this is the right place. Our offers are published daily so you can always be on top of what's new.

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Working hard for our Guests

Find your perfect stay

CITYSTAY Poland offers beautiful apartments in Gdansk, Sopot and Gdynia. We offer short-time rentals to tourists, business travelers and other guests of the so-called TriCity. We are focussed on making your stay convenient, easy and comfortable. Our team is there to help you for any question or personal and group booking requests.

We have properties for any kind of stay: from hip & trendy stays to luxurious and comfortable apartments and family-friendly places. What is your choice?

Do you own a property?
Rent with us for best results

CITYSTAY is very committed to provide the best results, trouble-free cooperation as well as the highest care for the apartments entrusted to us.

What we offer
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CITYSTAY Sp. z o.o.
Starowiejska 16/2
81-356 Gdynia

KRS: 0000640356
NIP: 5862310646


Phone +48 570 267 697
Email info(at)citystay.pl
Skype: CITYSTAY Poland
Whatsapp: +48 570 267 697


Payment in PLN
PL76 2530 0008 2049 1071 4300 0001

Payment in EUR
PL49 2530 0008 2049 1071 4300 0002

Nest Bank

Transaction title
Name of the Guest

Transaction for
CITYSTAY Sp. z.o.o.
Starowiejska 16/2
81-356 Gdynia
